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Col. Las Juntas
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Jose Lopez De Colombia
31 May 2010 - 03:44 pm
tengo sin beber varios años y cuando vi la pelicula, me recordo el malestar que sentia cuando bebia, y no se por que en la pelicula 7 senti esa sensacion de volver a beber, no se por que pero me dio miedo pensarlo
Soberfolk Org. Us
31 May 2010 - 02:12 pm
Hi David V.
"I am responsible. When anyone, anywhere, reaches out for help, I want the hand of A.A. always to be there. And for that: I am responsible."
In this century millions of people are searching the internet for help getting and staying sober. We need your help extending the hand of AA to these people.
We are seeking greeters for our site to welcome newcomers to our group. We ask that you commit to one hour a week any hour of the day or night. If you can help us by volunteering one hour a week Please sign up to be a greeter. If your schedule changes then come back and change your hour.
We hope to have more than one greeter at any hour so please do not be deterred if someone else already has signed up for the hour that you are available.
Have a nice day unless you have other plans!
SoberFolk is an online 12-step clubhouse whose members are trying to offer support for each other and to provide meeting for each of the separate 12 step fellowships 24 hours a day seven days a week so that no matter where someone is in the world no matter what time of day or night that the hand of that fellowship is as close as their telephone, laptop or the nearest internet cafe. While almost all of the current members of this clubhouse are members of AA we support ALL 12 step fellowships.
28 May 2010 - 08:59 am
My name is Mark . . . and I'm a recovered alcoholic.
I realize July is a little wAAys away . . . . I like to allow plenty of time for the process.
I like to create personalized anniversary cards (from scratch) for friends of Bill W. There are over 1,000 of us celebrating re-birthdAAys in July. If you would like to receive them a little before your speciAAl dAAy . . . . . .
Please let me know, in the next week or two, so I can send you the links (I will create the files and upload them to my site) to a (swf) personalized musical, animated, re-birthday greeting - and a link to your Medallion Pic (jpg) you can copy and use for a desktop background if you would like! (Let me know if you would like one for a size other than the typical 1024 x 768, 4x3 ratio.)
I’m attAAching a June CAAlendAAr I creAAted – In case you could use one . . .
Below is a link to a pic of Bill W. and Bob carrying the message to Bill D.
(The stained glass hangs at the Akron Central Office.)
(You can copy or save it if you'd like by right-clicking on the image it takes you to.)
David V
27 May 2010 - 01:09 pm
Hola Anonimo, Gracias por tu interes en esta pagina web, los del grupo nueva vida te enviamos un saludo afectuoso deseandotre muchas 24 horas de sobriedad, y a la brevedad posible ire subiendo mas paginas del libro, que bueno que estas interesado en la lectura de esta entrevista, Esta sugerencia de subir el libro fue hecha por mi padrino Patricio, gracias a el podemos documentarnos mas. Suerte y pronto estara terminado
Un Alcoholico Anonimo
27 May 2010 - 01:06 pm
Esta interesante la entrevista de billw. Cuando terminas de subir el resto del libro?